Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Cotton Baby Afghan

Poor cold baby almost a year old by the time I actually finish the blanket. :-P But really, this pattern came from the Best of Terry Kimbrough Baby Afghans by Leisure Arts. It was actually one of the harder ones I've worked in a long time. I don't know if it was me or the pattern, but it was consistently hard to follow and stay on track with. After I finished the pineapple border the first time, it was so curled that I frogged the whole border and started over. The second rendition, pictured, still wouldn't lay entirely flat. The yarn is Bernat Cotton Tots in Sweet Cream. The yarn is nice and soft and very pretty. My one complaint is the lint level. While I was working with it, it made me sneezy and I couldn't wear black. When I washed it, the lint pilled up. I ended up running it through the dryer on low heat with a dryer sheet twice and then running over it front and back with a lint roller. It was still shedding pretty bad. My hope is that the lint issue will self resolve after the blanket has been washed a couple more times. I wasn't so dissatisfied that I won't give it another shot, however. I still have more at home that I was thinking of making myself a little shell sweater with. :)
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